Rhubarb Compote

In North Germany we call it “Rhabarbergrütze”

  • 2 lb Rhubarb
  • ¼ L Water
  • 1 piece of cinnamon
  • 100 to 200 g sugar – start with less and add to taste
  • ¼ tea spoon vanilla extract

Clean the rhubarb, disregard the leaves, they are toxic!

Chop the rhubarb into ¾ inch long pieces and add with the water into a saucepan, add the cinnamon and bring to boil, stir constantly. Add sugar and vanilla extract and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes until fruit is pulpy. Serve in small glass bowls or rimmed soup plate.

I love the Rhabarbergrütze – Rhubarb compote - a little on the soft side (with a little more water); however I know it is served “hard” like custard (a little less water). I like it still warm with some home made vanilla ice cream or a little half and half milk. In some restaurants it is served with Vanilla sauce. Enjoy

Did you know?

Rhubarb is technically a vegetable (although the United States Customs Court in New York ruled it a fruit in 1947) and belongs to the Polygonaceae family.

In France in 1542 rhubarb sold for ten times the price of cinnamon!

Dating back to as far as 2000BC, rhubarb originated in Western China, Mongolia, Tibet & China with its original use primarily medicinal — it was used to induce vomiting.